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As published in The Straits Times [](http://)
This pilot programme led by the Association of Employment Agencies (Singapore) and several maid agencies, will allow more Migrant Domestic Workers to enter Singapore by securing additional safe management measures. This means that workers will undergo multiple Covid-19 tests over a 14-day period at isolation facilities in their home countries before coming to Singapore.
After which they will still be subjected to Singapore's prevailing arrival measures, including a 14-day SHN at dedicated facilities and Covid-19 testing protocols.
This pilot programme will cover MDWs from **Indonesia and the Philippines **for a start.
Employers who wish to hire domestic workers through the pilot will have to cover the additional costs for their home countries stay and testing.
This is also a good programme to help employers who are seeking urgent care for their families.
Employers who are keen to hire or deploy their helpers under this programme may contact Maid Management Services' Sales Support at 6345 9978 or for more information on this.
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